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Meet John

Republican, Veteran, Businessman.

My family moved to Pend Oreille County in 1992.  I played football for Newport, built docks on Priest Lake, watched movies at the Roxy, and made Pizzas at Big Wheel. My wife, all three of my kids and I all graduated from Newport High School.  I have sailed all over the world in the Navy, and lived all over this State, but my heart has always been in Pend Oreille County.

I often hear people running for office talk about all the things they will do once they get elected, yet they are not busy serving the community in any way.   I have served as a County Commissioner and am seeking another term but I have been serving Pend Oreille County in a number of ways for a long time.                                       


I believe in Health, and in the county's role in making sure every citizen has access to the educational and medical infrastructure necessary to thrive. 

I believe in Safety, and, if elected, will ensure that the county meets its responsibilities to protect the citizens of this county - which means supporting law enforcement, roads, and home-grown leadership.

As a lifelong Republican and traditional Conservative, I believe that government should be focused, inexpensive, and unobtrusive.  I believe in hard work, individual initiative, and personal responsibility.  I believe in Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and the Sanctity of Life - including support for the elderly, support for at-risk youth, and support for the Unborn.

 But, as anyone who knows me will tell you, any written biography won't tell the story.  The only way to know me is to spend time with me.  Take a look at my calendar of events, or jump over to my contact page and shoot me a note.



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