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Thank you for taking this step to support my campaign for a second term as Pend Oreille County Commissioner, District 1.  My message of COMMUNITY has resonated with the voters. It is my passion to ensure the safety and health of every one of our neighbors and it is my vision to remove obstacles to prosperity. Join me in bringing this message of COMMUNITY PROSPERITY to fruition! It's supporters like YOU that make this mission possible!

To remain in compliance with the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) we request that you review the campaign limits, data information and contributions via check information here: PDC Requirements  If donating by check, please fill out the form below and mail check to 1512 Diamond Creek rd, Newport WA 99156.  Alternately, mail a check with the following information included:  name, address, employer and employer state.  Thank you.  

Campaign transparency is our #1 goal. Visit VoteJohnGentleCampaign


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Committee to Elect John Gentle
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