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     Thank you for the opportunity to serve as District 1 County Commissioner!  I have heard from so many of you over this term, but still have plenty of work to do.

     I want to continue to maintain a very high level of accessibility to you, my friends and neighbors.  It is critical to the success of this county that we collaborate in bold, creative ways.  You can contact me any time, day or night, with your focus and the needs of your family in the years to come.


     Some of the highest priorities, as expressed from the citizens, are as follows;

*The creation of living wage jobs for opportunity that is closer to home. Not just for you, but for your children and your grandchildren.  With our complete overhaul of the county's land use policies we have removed the largest hurdles to economic development.  Now we must find investors that are a good fit for rural America.

*More and better assistance for the aging population of Pend Oreille County, including raising the income threshold for the senior property tax exemption.  This is something I have advocated for in Olympia, and it has simply fallen to far behind the current cost of living.  I believe that the current trajectory is going to prove to be unsustainable for those living on fixed incomes.

*Stable funding for road maintenance.  The declining roads revenue sources make our roads less safe every year.  I lobbied from the legislative steering committee to have this issue raised to the highest priority for counties across the state.  As a newly appointed member of the Transportation Revenue Workgroup, I am well positioned to bring your concerns to any potential legislative fixes.  Like the gas tax, our solution must be constitutionally protected from pilfering by the state, and should make road funding available without new taxes on the citizens.

*Housing and Childcare shortages are of the highest concern, especially to young families.  These are predictable outcomes from years of regulatory burden and government overreach.  We have to find ways to convince the legislature that their "one size fits all" approach to rulemaking from Olympia is crushing rural America and especially the working class.

Help me fight to improve the lives in this county with your vote this November!



Committee to Elect John Gentle
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